testing pcode semantics

Ghidra processor semantics needs tests

Procesor instructions known to Ghidra are defined in Sleigh pcode or semanitc sections. Adding new instructions - such as instruction set extensions to an existing processor - requires a pcode description of what that instruction does. That pcode drives both the decompiler process and any emulator or debugger processes.

This generates a conflict in testing. Should we test for maximum clarity for semantics rendered in the decompiler window or maximum fidelity in any Ghidra emulator? For example, should a divide instruction include pcode to test against a divide-by-zero? Should floating point instructions guard against NaN (Not a Number) inputs?

We assume here that decompiler fidelity is more important than emulator fidelity. That implies:

  • ignore any exception-generating cases, including divide-by-zero, NaN, memory access and memory alignment.
  • pcode must allow for normal C implicit type conversions, such as between different integer and floating point lengths.
    • this implies pcode must pay attention to Ghidra’s type inference system.

Concept of Operations

Individual instructions are wrapped in C and exercised within a Google Test C++ framework. The test framework is then executed within a qemu static emulation environment.

For example, let’s examine two riscv-64 instructions: fcvt.w.s and fmv.x.w

  • fcvt.w.s converts a floating-point number in floating-point register rs1 to a signed 32-bit or 64-bit integer, respectively, in integer register rd.
  • fmv.x.w moves the single-precision value in floating-point register rs1 represented in IEEE 754-2008 encoding to the lower 32 bits of integer register rd. For RV64, the higher 32 bits of the destination register are filled with copies of the floating-point number’s sign bit.

These two instructions have similar signatures but very different semantics. fcvt.w.s performs a float to int type conversion, so the float 1.0 can be converted to int 1. fmv.x.w moves the raw bits between float and int registers without any type coversion.

We can generate simple exemplars of both instructions with this C code:

int fcvt_w_s(float* x) {
    return (int)*x;

int fmv_x_w(float* x) {
    int val;
    float src = *x;

    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "fmv.x.w  %0, %1" \
        : "=r" (val) \
        : "f" (src));
    return val;

Ghidra’s 11.2-DEV decompiler renders these as:

long fcvt_w_s(float *param_1)
  return (long)(int)*param_1;
long fmv_x_w(float *param_1)
  return (long)(int)param_1;

fmv_x_w was missing a dereference operation. The fmv_x_w version was also implying an implicit type conversion when none is actually performed. Let’s trace how to use these test results to improve the decompiler output.

Running tests

The draft test harness can be built and run from the top level workspace directory.

$ bazel build --platforms=//riscv64/generated/platforms:riscv_userspace riscv64/generated/emulator_tests:testSemantics
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
INFO: Analyzed target //riscv64/generated/emulator_tests:testSemantics (74 packages loaded, 1902 targets configured).
INFO: From Executing genrule //riscv64/generated/emulator_tests:testSemantics:
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //riscv64/generated/emulator_tests:testSemantics up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 4.172s, Critical Path: 1.93s
INFO: 4 processes: 1 internal, 3 linux-sandbox.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 4 total actions

$ cat bazel-bin/riscv64/generated/emulator_tests/results
[==========] Running 4 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 4 tests from FP
[ RUN      ] FP.testharness
[       OK ] FP.testharness (3 ms)
[ RUN      ] FP.fcvt
[       OK ] FP.fcvt (10 ms)
[ RUN      ] FP.fmv
[       OK ] FP.fmv (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] FP.fp16
[       OK ] FP.fp16 (0 ms)
[----------] 4 tests from FP (15 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 4 tests from 1 test suite ran. (19 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 4 tests.

$ file bazel-bin/riscv64/generated/emulator_tests/libfloatOperations.so
bazel-bin/riscv64/generated/emulator_tests/libfloatOperations.so: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, UCB RISC-V, RVC, double-float ABI, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, not stripped

Test parameters

What version of Ghidra are we testing against?

What do we do with Ghidra patches that improve the decompilation results?

  • If the patched instructions only exist within the isa_ext fork, we will make the changes to that fork and PR
  • If the patches come from unmerged PRs we may cherry-pick them into isa_ext. This includes some of the fcvt and fmv patches from other sources.

Test example

Use meld to compare the original C source file floatOperations.c with the exported C decompiler view from Ghidra 11.2-DEV. A quick inspection shows some errors to address:

Original Ghidra
float fcvt_s_wu(uint32_t* i) {return (float)*i;} float fcvt_s_wu(uint *param_1){return (float)ZEXT416(*param_1);}
double fcvt_d_wu(uint32_t* j){return (double)*j;} double fcvt_d_wu(uint *param_1){return (double)ZEXT416(*param_1);}
long fmv_x_w(float *param_1){return (long)(int)*param_1;}
long fmv_x_d(double *param_1){return (long)(int)*param_1;}
long fcvt_h_w(int param_1){return (long)param_1;}
long fcvt_h_wu(int param_1){return (long)param_1;}
ulong fcvt_h_d(ulong *param_1){return *param_1 & 0xffffffff;}

The errors include:

  • spurious ZEXT416 in two places
  • fmv instructions appear to force an implicit type conversion where none is wanted
  • missing dereference operation in fcvt_h_w and fcvt_h_wu
  • bad mask operation in fcvt_h_d

Next steps

Testing semantics for the zfh half-precision floating point instructions is more complicated than usual. Ghidra’s semantics and pcode system has no known provision for half-precision floating point, so emulation won’t work well. The current zfh implementation makes these _fp16 objects look like 32 bit floats in registers and like 16 bit shorts in memory operations, making Ghidra type inferencing even more confusing.

Let’s look at a more limited scope, the definition of the Ghidra trunc pcode op.

The documentation says trunc produces a signed integer obtained by truncating its argument.

  • how does trunc set its result type?
  • does trunc expect only a floating point double?
  • what would it take to define trunk_u to generate an unsigned integer
  • what would it take to accept a half-precision floating point value as an argument?

The documentation also says that float2float ‘copies a floating-point number with more or less precision’, so its implementation may tell us something about type inferencing.

  • Ghidra/Features/Decompiler/src/decompile/cpp/pcodeparse.cc binds float2float to OP_FLOAT2FLOAT
  • this leads to CPUI_FLOAT_FLOAT2FLOAT and to several files under Ghidra/Features/Decompiler/src/decompile/cpp.
  • functions like FloatFormat::opFloat2Float and FloatFormat::opTrunc look relevant in float.hh and float.cc
Last modified May 26, 2024: Extend the zfh semantics tests (6ea9e3c)